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Maintained by Scott Plous, Wesleyan University

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 Request for Proposals
Posted by: Vivien Caetano
Title/Position: Associate
School/Organization: ideas42
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: September 10th, 2015

I am posting on behalf of ideas42, a behavioral science research and design firm headquartered in New York City, NY. At ideas42, we use insights from psychology and behavioral economics to invent fresh solutions to some of the world’s toughest social problems.

We are currently disseminating an intimate partner violence (IPV) request for proposals (RFP). The goal of the RFP is to identify, select, and fund innovative IPV interventions for further design work, implementation, and testing.

Please find the RFP attached for more information. Additionally, please email me for the budget template as I was not able to attach both documents.

With Kind Regards,
Vivien Caetano

Attachment: ideas42_IPV_RFP_for_circ.pdf

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