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 Race & Pedagogy National Conference: Proposals
Posted by: Carolyn Weisz
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: University of Puget Sound
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: March 2nd, 2014

I’m pleased to announce the call for proposals for the fourth quadra-annual Race & Pedagogy National Conference to take place in Tacoma, WA, at the University of Puget Sound September 25-27, 2014. The title is “What NOW is the Work of Education and Justice?: Mapping a New Critical Conscience”. The conference will have an interdisciplinary and multi-format structure with broad engagement from scholarly and community-based participants and presenters. Featured speakers include Angela Davis, Henry Louis Gates, Jr., and Patty LaDuke. Proposals for papers, panels, and other formats of presentations are due April 7. Students are welcome to submit at this time, and also have the option for a later deadline in mid-May for a special student poster session.

Please feel free to circulate this call to your colleagues, students, and others you think might be interested. Presentations of teaching strategies, research, or work that applies psychological knowledge to addressing inequity and injustice are encouraged. A full copy of the call and instructions for submission are available at the Race & Pedagogy website at:

I am also happy to serve as a personal contact for any questions.

Happy New Year!
Carolyn Weisz

Attachment: RPNC.2014.flyer.pdf

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