Historic Figures in Social Psychology
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Listed below are biographical sketches and links to some of the best known figures associated with the history of social psychology. For additional biographies (of contemporary as well as historic figures), see:
If you wish to suggest any additions to this list, please use the Contact Us page to send the name of the psychologist and the web address of the page to be added (Note: To be eligible, the individual must already have a Wikipedia biography, have played a key role in the history of social psychology, and have died at least 20 years ago.)
Allport, Floyd Henry |  |
Allport, Gordon Willard |  |
 1897 - 1967 |  |
Gordon Allport, younger brother of Floyd Allport, conducted pioneering research on attitudes, prejudice, religion, and rumor transmission, among other topics. In addition to training prominent psychologists such as Stanley Milgram, Thomas Pettigrew, Jerome Bruner, and Anthony Greenwald, he helped establish the field of personality psychology.

Asch, Solomon |  |
Brown, Roger William |  |
Campbell, Donald Thomas |  |
Clark, Kenneth Bancroft |  |
Clark, Mamie Phipps |  |
Festinger, Leon |  |
Heider, Fritz |  |
Hooker, Evelyn |  |
Hovland, Carl I. |  |
Janis, Irving |  |
Le Bon, Gustave |  |
Lewin, Kurt |  |
McDougall, William |  |
Milgram, Stanley |  |
Ringelmann, Maximilien |  |
Schachter, Stanley |  |
Sherif, Carolyn Wood |  |
Sherif, Muzafer |  |
Sumner, Francis Cecil |  |
Tajfel, Henri |  |
Triplett, Norman |  |