Social Psychology Network

Maintained by Scott Plous, Wesleyan University

Mr Stephen Murphy

Mr Stephen Murphy

More self-aware = more effective = better results!

I've been really lucky in my life. I have a wonderful wife and 4 fabulous kids. I've had the opportunity to live and work in several, diverse, countries across 4 continents. Through this, to have experienced different, fascinating, people and cultures.

Managing businesses for multinational organisations brings its own rewards and stresses. Having learned so much over the time I have done this, I am now in the fortunate position to be able to help others, some of whom are following a similar path.

I'm now an Executive Coach & Mentor - Accredited by the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) at Master Practitioner level. I coach and mentor senior executives, individually and in teams, towards greater self-awareness and operational impact.

The psychological basis for my coaching and mentoring practice is primarily via a Gestalt orientation, to help generate awareness for my clients. Onto this foundation, I am looking to build a greater understanding of social psychology and, in particular, what influences behaviour?
- I have noticed, in my practice, a propensity for behavioural confirmation, how self-fulfilling prophesies fuel career stagnation and how thin slices can impact actions. As I write this, I find myself wondering to what degree my social impression is inextricably linked with my job role and whether that serves or hinders me?
- As I coach, I am curious at the disconnects I notice between expressed attitudes and eventual action. I notice that my own actions are generally driven by experience. Indeed, as a mentor, that experience underpins my role. However, I also find myself considering how these experiences, however real, may hinder my own creativity and development? I wonder how my social impression is influenced by sharing these experiences?
- I am fascinated by the Cognitive Dissonance and Self-Perception Theories and how they can help explain responsibility and justification for individual actions? If we naturally try to reduce or avoid dissonant feelings, then what is the magnet, which renders it so difficult to avoid its pull? From a social impression perspective, I don't feel dissident. However, I am choosing what I include and omit on this page, based upon my own self-perception. I wonder how that resonates with others?

Primary Interests:

Languages Spoken

  • English

    Native speaker
  • French

    Intermediate proficiency
  • Polish

    Basic proficiency

Mr Stephen Murphy

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