Mrs Vanaja Shankar
The best way to be happy is to make others happy
Hi. I am Vanaja Shankar from Mumbai, India. I am a banking and training professional with 23 years of experience in banking and ten years in training. I have started my training company Banxzu Training and Development Solutions in partnership with my daughter. We design and facilitate skill based programs to empower young bankers with tools and techniques to improve their performance and inspire them to enjoy building winning relationships.
I have written and published a book Hello Banker, a collection of short stories about customer service and sales in banking,
I teach yoga to women. I enjoy reading, writing, learning and teaching. I would like to add value to people through writing and teaching.
Primary Interests:
M.Com, Commerce
University of Madras
PGDFM, DIM, Financial Management
CAIIB, Banking
Indian Institute of Banking and Finance
Work Experience
Chief Manager
Employer: ICICI Bank
May 1994 - January 2012
Languages Spoken
Advanced proficiency
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Mrs Vanaja Shankar
- Skype Name: vanaja.shankar