Andrew Finlay
If the Universe is wrong I am what is left.
Informed by my lifelong passion for moral philosophy, legal theory, behavioural neurobiology, sociological jurisprudence, rhetoric, environmental ethics & social justice I aspire to advance a truly democratic dialogue by serving as a voice for the voiceless & mediator for political prisoners, schizophrenics, the economically and otherwise-disenfranchised. Such is the mandate of my conscience. My ultimate goal is to abolish "torture without touch" worldwide - and to realize this dream am currently in the exploratory phase of incorporating an iNGO with agenda #1 the prohibition of administrative segregation & indefinite detention.
I hope to be remembered as an accomplished HRA; a vocal proponent of due process, cognitive liberty, the right-to-die, the right-to-privacy - for work on NVLD awareness, sustainability, and activism on behalf of the psychiatric survival movement.
I am also contributing to a new body of scholarship on the ethics of Human-Computer interaction, Brain-Computer interfaces, the coming age of superautomation, the totalitarian principle of the Internet, "Fakenews", the operative ethics of cyberwar & cyberdefense amongst much else.
Research subjects of interest include the retrogressive effect of immersive "high tech" on the personality development & socialization of Generation Net (I am currently at work on a booklength metacritique: "the Internet of things: virtual identity in a postpersonal society of mind"); the mysterious mechanism of metacognition, the Whorf hypothesis (the fiction of intersubjectivity), the Grelling-Nelson paradox, Agrippa's trilemma, negative dialectics as a post-ideological postindustrial ethics, "Jihadology" (mass psychology of radical islam), the early & late Wittgenstein, the prospect of exopolitics, semiotics, autopoiesis, Luhmann's unified field theory of sociocybertics, memory studies, the gut-brain-microbiota axis, Neurolaw, Human-Computer interactions/Brain-Computer interfaces, anarcho-primitivism, Jonestown scholarship, Abstract Expressionism, Advaita-Vedanta, Taoism & T'ai Chi, panexperientialism, schizophreniform disorders, retrocausality in the phenomenology of time & the eternal return, the role of the amygdala hijack in human history, the Greek Anthology, astrophysics, musicology, human tuning, neuroeconomics, neuroimaging, anti-electrotrusion, sleep architecture & lucid dreaming... International Relations, Open Government, the "Freemen" movement, reforming public international law, renewable energy, artefacts from the Eastern Bloc, propaganda in media, the history of bureaucracy, ethology, the history & protocol of national intelligence agencies, cockatiels, ketamine, atonality, rational-choice theory, circuitbending, moldavite, micro controllers, glial science, optogenetics, creation myths, epigenetics, permaculture, the microsociology of prosecutorial misconduct, Russian futurist poetry (ZAUM), the work of Marshall McLuhan, wisdom literature, audio engineering, HDSDR (high-definition software-defined radio)/RTL-SDR, podcasting, mail-art, collecting limited release vinyl, the history of the English language, trying to write poetry in that language, logically-possible worlds, an endless list...
If you wish to disclose sensitive information on solitary confinement and discuss issues concerning prison reform, please consider visiting my homepage. (Prospective members are also welcome to share their personal experiences, advice, and suggestions.) Thank you!
Anyone who wishes to contact me, I encourage you to learn about PGP (get GPG): my public key is available here for email.
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Primary Interests:
B.A. Hons, Legal Studies
University of Ontario Institute of Technology
B.A. Hons, Forensic Psychology
University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Honors and Awards
- Babaji's Kriya Yoga Level 1
- Babaji's Kriya Yoga Level 2
- Flower of Life
- Reiki Level 1
- Goethe-Institut level I
Work Experience
Human Mimic
Employer: Symbiotry of Peaceful Beings
January 1988 - February 2015
Medical Transcriptionist
Employer: CanScribe network
May 2011 - September 2011
Musician / Producer / Distributor
Employer: Denkeverbot Records
September 2013 - present
Lab rat
March 2014 - present
Employer: Self-published
October 2003 - present
Membership in Professional Organizations
- Operation A56
- International Union of Mail-Artists
- Psychiatric Survival Movement
- Voluntary Human Extinction Movement (VHEMT)
- The Hemlock Society
- Church of Euthanasia
- Liberty in North Korea
- American Psychological Association
- Canadian Psychological Association
- International Neuroethics Society
- Institute for the Study of Human Infinitude
- Freedom From Room #101
Languages Spoken
Native speaker
Advanced proficiency
Basic proficiency
Basic proficiency
Intermediate proficiency
Psychology Mentors, Inspirations, and Influences
Maurice Blanchotthe interruption of the incessant
Niklas LuhmannA researcher I've always admired.
Samuel BeckettMy favourite author & keen commentator sur la condition humaine.
U.G. KrishnamurtiOne without a second.
Theodor AdornoFrankfurt School"The only philosophy which can be responsibly practiced in face of despair is the attempt to contemplate all things as they would present themselves from the standpoint of redemption."
Primary goal: Human Service Work, Counseling, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Editing, Consultant, Research Trials, Suicide Helpline Volunteer, SocPsych Confederate
Will become available: October 10, 2013
Willing to relocate: Yes
any vacancy which allow me to network with like-minded associates dedicated to improving the human condition.
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Andrew Finlay
Oshawa, Ontario
- Home: 1-831-706-2779
- Mobile: 905-440-6128
- Skype Name: alone_in_1982