Alphabetical List of Media Contacts
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Alphabetical List of Media Contacts |
Professional associations and societies, nonprofit groups, consortiums, government entities, commercial organizations, museums, archives, libraries, etc. Community colleges, four-year colleges, and universities Organizations with members who share a particular profession or professional interest Nonprofit groups except educational, government, and professional organizations (which have their own categories) Consortiums, coalitions, federations, councils, and networks Government departments, divisions, agencies, offices, branches, ministries, and programs Businesses and other for-profit organizations Free-standing institutions, virtual (online) organizations, and subunits of other organizations Organizations that do not fit into the categories above Colleges, universities, medical schools, departments, centers, and programs Psychology departments in colleges and universities (not in health centers) Graduate degree programs in social psychology Research teams, centers, institutes, and laboratories College and university chapters of the Psi Chi Honors Society in Psychology Sociology departments in colleges and universities Academic units and programs that do not fit into the categories above Print and electronic publications but not unpublished lectures, interviews, press releases, or position statements Print and electronic books intended for adult readers Print and electronic books for children (from babyhood through elementary school) Print and electronic serial publications with a primary readership of professionals (e.g., scholarly research journals) Print, email-based, and web-based magazines Print, email-based, and web-based newsletters and newspapers Reports, essays, articles, chapters, and abstracts but not bibliographies unless the publication text is available SPN-profiled psychologists, historical figures, and other people Links to Social Psychology Network Professional Profiles SPN-profiled professionals who welcome media inquiries related to their research or area of expertise SPN-profiled professionals who have volunteered to be a career mentor for students from underrepresented groups Personal home pages of professionals profiled in Social Psychology Network Links to historical figures and other people who do not have an SPN Professional Profile Traditional and distance college-level courses and syllabi Correspondence and Internet-based distance learning courses at the college level Courses taught on college and university campuses Software programs, services, downloads, and companies Free software programs, services, and downloads Software programs, services, and downloads that require purchase, either before or after a trial period Sites that contain extensive links to other sites and/or comprehensive information about a particular topic Web-based studies designed to collect psychological data for analysis Other web sites not listed above, such as FAQ pages, tutorials, and online services