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 Request for Unpublished Data for Big Five and Diet
Posted by: Tim Bogg
Title/Position: Associate Professor, Social-Personality Area Chair
School/Organization: Wayne State University
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: December 22nd, 2024

Dear Colleagues,

Paula Harrison and I are currently conducting a meta-analysis evaluating the associations between dietary behaviors and Big Five | Five-Factor personality traits.

We are seeking relevant unpublished research and conference presentations on this topic, including unpublished data, manuscripts in progress, and/or papers that have been accepted for publication but are not yet in press. Studies that focus on operationally defined “healthy” or “unhealthy” eating behavior or bivariate correlations between consumption of specific food items (e.g., fruit, meat, sugar) and the Big Five personality traits are welcome.

For inclusion in the meta-analysis:
—A measure of the Big Five personality traits was used.
—Specific food items or well defined food categories are assessed.
—Correlations for the above relationships should either be reported or be able to be computed.

To submit your work for consideration in our meta-analysis, please email with (a) either a paper describing the study and its results or your raw data, and (b) the reference for your work.

We greatly appreciate any information you are able to share. Please provide any additional contact information in the event that we may need to ask follow-up questions regarding the characteristics of the sample, your measurement approach, or other methodological factors.

Tim Bogg, Ph.D.
Paula Harrison, M.A.

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