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 Hiring: Interdisciplinary Atmospheric Hazards Team
Posted by: Jessica Alquist
Title/Position: Associate Professor
School/Organization: Texas Tech University
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: December 14th, 2023

Hello, fellow social psychologists!

Texas Tech is currently doing a cluster hire for a team that will work on issues related to atmospheric hazards. One of the lines could be a great fit for a social psychologist (portion copied below, job ad attached).


"Experimental Psychologists with expertise in risk perception, judgment and decision making, or attitudes and beliefs related to climate and weather extremes (e.g., tornadoes and hurricanes). Methods are open, though experience with mixed methods survey research is preferred. Candidate should have experience examining individual, community, or system level resilience in the context of behavioral, cognitive, or perceptual processes and frameworks for risk assessment."

Attachment: FINAL Position Announcement - Atmospheric Hazards.pdf

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