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 Seminars on ChatGPT for Publishing and Data Analysis
Posted by: Michael Zyphur
Title/Position: Director
School/Organization: Institute for Statistical and Data Science
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: September 21st, 2023

Hi everyone,

Instats is currently hosting a collection of seminars on how academics and PhD students can use ChatGPT as a virtually free research and teaching assistant. If you are interested in learning more about how generative AI can help you with a wide variety of tasks -- including some of the more annoying aspects of your work, so that you can focus on the aspects you enjoy most -- check out some of the upcoming seminars being offered by Instats to help you with your research and teaching:

Using ChatGPT for Academic Publishing with Piers Steel & Hadi Fariborzi (Oct 17 - 19)
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Explore the power of AI-driven tools in this workshop, designed for researchers and PhD students seeking to improve and increase their scholarly outputs.

Using ChatGPT for Statistical Analysis with Peter Gruber (Oct 23 - 24)
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This 2-day workshop teaches researchers, from PhD students to professors, how to use ChatGPT and its Advanced Data Analytics tool for statistical analysis without writing a line of code or even knowing how to use a statistics program.

Using ChatGPT for Dissertations and Theses with Piers Steel & Hadi Fariborzi (Oct 25)
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This comprehensive workshop is designed to equip PhD students, professors, and professional researchers with the skills to leverage advanced AI tools like ChatGPT in their academic research.

Using ChatGPT for Systematic Literature Reviews with Piers Steel & Hadi Fariborzi (Nov 1 - 3)
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This workshop is designed to equip PhD students, professors, and professional researchers with the skills to leverage AI for systematic literature reviews.

Teaching Statistics with ChatGPT with Peter Gruber (Nov 27 - 28)
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This two-day workshop responds to the disruption that the AI revolution introduces to universities and statistics education.

Using ChatGPT for Automated Grant Writing with Piers Steel & Hadi Fariborzi (Nov 5 - 7)
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Explore the power of AI-driven tools in this workshop, designed for researchers and PhD students seeking to improve the quality and quantity of their academic grant writing.

If you'd like to offer a workshop with Instats, please feel free to get in touch with me directly. Instats is an academic organization focused on improving the quality of academic research and teaching, and supporting scholarly communities across disciplines. For more information, including access to our Q&A boards and Jobs forum, head over to today.

Best wishes,

Michael Zyphur
Institute for Statistical and Data Science

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