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 Free 1-hour intros to SPSS, Stata, Mplus, and R
Posted by: Michael Zyphur
Title/Position: Director
School/Organization: Institute for Statistical and Data Science
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: May 8th, 2023

Hi, everyone—

Instats is pleased to announce four new livestreaming 1-hour introductions to SPSS, Stata, Mplus, and R. Registration is entirely free, and each workshop is designed to provide participants with a hands-on overview of the software interfaces, importing and managing data, descriptive statistics, and inferential statistics including univariate methods (regression/ANOVA) as well as multivariate methods (factor analysis/path analysis/SEM). Basic plotting methods will be described along with special features such as bootstrapping and Bayesian analysis where applicable. To register for free, you can use the following links—and please feel free to tell any colleagues or students who you think might be interested!

SPSS seminar (May 31):

Stata seminar (June 7):

Mplus seminar (June 14):

R with RStudio seminar (June 21):

Best wishes from everyone at Instats,

Michael Zyphur
Institute for Statistical and Data Science

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