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 Priming and Behavior: Request for Unpublished Data
Posted by: Natalie Wyer
Title/Position: Senior Lecturer
School/Organization: University of Plymouth
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: April 8th, 2008

Dear colleagues,

I am currently conducting a meta-analysis of priming effects on behavior. I am seeking unpublished studies (or published papers that would not normally be identified via PsycInfo or Web of Science searches) involving manipulations of the activation of an abstract concept (e.g., a trait, stereotype, goal, or situation) either subliminally or supraliminally, and measures of observable behaviors (either social or non-social).

I would welcome information on any such experiments, including papers that are currently in press, unpublished research reports and/or presentations, unpublished doctoral dissertations, and so forth. If you have data that match the above description, but have not yet written them up, I would also welcome information on these, to include a description of the procedures and sufficient information on the results to determine effect sizes (sample/cell sizes, cell means and standard deviations, t or F values and corresponding p values).

If you have information that may be useful, I would greatly appreciate your sending it to me by email ( or by post (Natalie Wyer, School of Psychology, University of Plymouth, Plymouth PL4 8AA, United Kingdom).

Many thanks for your attention to this request.

Natalie Wyer, PhD
University of Plymouth (UK)

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