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 Human Assurances--FEES
Posted by: Traci Craig
Title/Position: Associate Professor
School/Organization: University of Idaho
Sent to listserv of: SPSP
Date posted: April 5th, 2008

I just returned from a Human Assurances Committee meeting, in which a fee structure was suggested. The fee structure would require PIs to pay $200 or more to have their protocol reviewed by the committee. This is the first time I've ever heard of this idea. I have essentially four questions/thoughts:

1. Is this common elsewhere?

2. Is the fee schedule so steep at places where this does occur?

3. Also, this adds a financial burden, or penalty, to social science researchers that those who do not use Human Participants do not incur. Should it simply be taken as "the price of doing business" for those of us in the social sciences who are typically funded less well than our colleagues in the "hard" sciences? Or is it an unfair distribution of burden?

4. Are there other fees that faculty pay to do their job? For example, if you were (as some of my colleagues were) hired with very little start up (maybe enough for a computer), you would be financing this fee out of your own pocket, even though you provide in-kind service via committee work to other faculty.

Thoughts? Comments? Reality check?

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