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 Lucifer Effect Exam Copies for Class Adoptions
Posted by: Phil Zimbardo
Title/Position: Professor Emeritus
School/Organization: Stanford University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: March 6th, 2008

Dear Colleagues,

Random House, publisher of The Lucifer Effect, is extending to academics an opportunity to get an exam copy for only $3.00 (retail is $18.00).

An order form is available on htttp://
under BUY THE BOOK. It is also possible to get free desk copies with adoption of the book for class use.

My book is 576 pages, with 50 pages of endnotes and an extensive 27 page index. Although much of the book is devoted to a detailed chronology of the Stanford Prison Experiment and an original in-depth analysis of the causes of the abuses at Abu Ghraib Prison, two chapters provide extensive coverage of classic research in social psychology on conformity, role playing, obedience, dehumanization, deindividuation, moral disengagement, and more. In addition, the final chapter offers a new conception of heroes and heroism.

My book has been a New York Times bestseller and widely reviewed favorably. I think it makes for an inexpensive supplement for a variety of courses. The Lucifer Effect web site is also filled with valuable information for your students on many topics, and it is all downloadable. Please come for a visit.

Thanks for your consideration,
Phil Zimbardo

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