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 Postdoctoral Fellowship at University of Arizona
Posted by: Toni Schmader
Title/Position: Associate Professor
School/Organization: University of Arizona
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: February 19th, 2008

CREO Postdoctoral Fellow Opportunity

The Center for Research on Equity and Opportunity (CREO) is seeking a Postdoctoral Fellow. CREO promotes excellence in the academy through research on and the promotion of equity and has three major functions: 1) Oversee and Coordinate the NSF-funded ADVANCE Program at The University of Arizona (; 2) Foster, coordinate, and support research on equity in the academy (particularly across disciplines); 3) Serve as a clearing house for information on equity in the academy, specifically in regards to the University of Arizona.

The Postdoctoral Fellow duties related to the project will include, but are not limited to: 1) advising and developing research projects related to the goals of the UA ADVANCE program; 2) writing manuscripts for internal reports and publication; 3) directing data review, coding, and analysis of qualitative and quantitative data about equity in the academy; and 4) maintaining targeted annotated bibliographies.

The Selection Committee welcomes applicants with expertise in psychology, women’s and gender studies, anthropology, sociology, higher education or other related social science disciplines. The initial appointment is for one year with possible renewal thereafter. Salary will depend on experience.

The fellow will be an integral member of a dynamic and dedicated team and is expected to work closely with both the CREO Director and the CREO Program Coordinator, Sr. as well as key individuals in the Diversity Research Office, the Office of Institutional Research, and Human Resources. Demonstrated proficiency with qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis as well as excellent writing are essential for the successful candidate. The fellow will:

--Assist Program Director and Coordinator in developing and implementing research projects related to work on gender and minority issues in the academy.
--Assist with data analysis on social networks in the academy, one focus of the UA ADVANCE program.
--Independently identify opportunities for and develop research on equity in the academy.
--Contribute to grant writing for projects related to the work of the center and the ADVANCE program.
--Other duties as assigned.


--PhD in social science discipline
--Familiarity with issues and related research on institutions of higher education

Preferred Qualifications:

--Familiarity with issues and related research on equity and unconscious bias
--Demonstrated expertise in the application of analytical theories, methodologies and tools related to institutional research issues
--Demonstrated proficiency in statistical and data analysis

Documents, in addition to application, which are required for a complete application: Cover letter, CV, Writing Sample, and the names of three references

To Apply or Obtain More Information:

Visit or contact Maggie Harden, Program Coordinator Sr., at, 520-549-8425

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