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 Purdue Symposium
Posted by: Christopher R. Agnew
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: Purdue University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: January 30th, 2008

On behalf of the Department of Psychological Sciences at Purdue University, we are pleased to announce the inaugural Purdue Symposium on Psychological Sciences, to be held this year on the Purdue campus on Monday May 5 and Tuesday May 6 (immediately following the Midwestern Psychological Association Conference in Chicago, a 2-hour drive from the Purdue campus). This annual event will showcase current and emerging topics within the psychological sciences and will form the basis for an edited volume following each symposium. The faculty of the social psychology program were selected to organize the first symposium, which is titled:

“Then a Miracle Occurs: Focusing on Behavior in Social Psychological Theory and Research.”

We have selected a symposium theme that we feel warrants detailed attention by social psychologists: behavior. Although there has been great progress in social psychology elucidating the internal cognitive, affective and motivational underpinnings of behavior, there has been less work focused on external behavior itself. The symposium will gather leading thinkers in social psychology to consider theoretical and empirical issues relevant to behavior, across the field and with respect to various subfields of social psychological inquiry. Each contributor will highlight theoretical and/or measurement concerns about behavior, including how behavior is treated in current social psychological theory and research.

Symposiants include:

Arthur P. Aron (Stony Brook University)
John A. Bargh (Yale University)
Roy Baumeister (Florida State University)
Niall Bolger (Columbia University)
Lee Fabrigar (Queen's University)
David C. Funder (University of California, Riverside)
Peter M. Gollwitzer (New York University)
Lewis R. Goldberg (Oregon Research Institute)
Sam Gosling (University of Texas)
Judith A. Hall (Northeastern University)
Andrea Hollingshead (University of Southern California)
John Holmes (University of Waterloo)
Richard Moreland (University of Pittsburgh)
Del Paulhus (University of British Columbia)
Harry Reis (University of Rochester)
Phillip R. Shaver (University of California, Davis)
Bas Verplanken (University of Bath)

Draft symposium talk titles can be found online at:

We have a limited amount of space available for audience members. If you would like to attend, you may visit the above web page for registration information.


The Social Psychology Faculty at Purdue:

Christopher R. Agnew
Ximena B. Arriaga
Donal E. Carlston
Stephanie A. Goodwin
William G. Graziano
Janice R. Kelly
Margo J. Monteith
Duane T. Wegener
Kipling D. Williams

For further information, contact:

Christopher R. Agnew

Purdue University
Department of Psychological Sciences
703 Third Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2081 USA

Office phone: (765) 494-6254
Office fax: (765) 496-1264

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