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 Reminder Call for Proposals MB2008
Posted by: Natasja Bogers
Title/Position: Conference Coordinator
School/Organization: Noldus Information Technology
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: January 23rd, 2008

Call for Proposals: Measuring Behavior 2008

6th International Conference on Methods and Techniques in Behavioral Research

Maastricht, The Netherlands
26 - 29 August 2008

Measuring Behavior 2008, the 6th International Conference on Methods and Techniques in Behavioral Research, is the premier interdisciplinary event for scientists and practitioners concerned with the study of human or animal behavior. This unique conference focuses on methods, techniques and tools in behavioral research in the widest sense, from behavioral ecology to neuroscience and from psychology to ergonomics. Measuring Behavior 2008 contains a number of novel elements compared with previous meetings, including Workshops, and a Demonstration Showcase with a prize for the most innovative demonstration.

Call for Proposals
The Scientific Program Committee would like to remind you to submit abstracts for Symposia, Oral Papers, and SIGs before 31 January 2008.

Submission Deadlines

Symposia - 31 January 2008
(Symposia - Indvidual papers) 28 February 2008

Oral Papers - 31 January 2008
Special Interest Groups 31 January 2008
(Special Interest Groups - Individual papers)
28 February 2008

Demonstrations - 31 March 2008
Tutorials - 31 March 2008
Workshops - 31 March 2008
Poster Presentations - 31 March 2008

Details of all program elements can be found on:

If you have any questions about the submission procedure, please let us know.

Program Topics
We are very pleased to announce that Professor Patrick Bateson (author of the classic textbook, ‘Measuring Behaviour’) has agreed to be a keynote speaker at the conference. His talk will be entitled 'What new techniques for measuring behaviour would you die for?' and will focus on future developments in behavioral methodology. We will also have keynote speakers focusing on specific aspects of measuring animal and measuring human behavior, but we are not yet able to announce who those will be.

In the past weeks we have had a large number of draft proposals for symposia, and a good number of free paper abstracts coming in, so already we can get an idea what to expect in the conference this year. A session which should be fascinating for those interested in the latest technology as well as multi-disciplinary aspects of studying behavior will be one on measuring behavior of robots. Multi-disciplinary technology will also feature in a session on equipment error – how reliably does our instrumentation measure what it is supposed to do and how to detect that it performs correctly. As usual some sessions focus on either animal or human behavior.

One symposium that covers both animal and human behavior will be on examining the validity of animal models for understanding human diseases. That will also tie in with a session measuring recovery after brain and spinal injury in rodents and non-human primates. A different way of measuring animal behavior will be examined in the symposium ‘Specific applications for the home cage approach and the possibilities for its high-throughput use’.

An interesting session from the perspective of human behavior will be one on ambient assisted living. Exciting new techniques are being developed to measure behavior in houses wired with the latest sensory technology, determining both how consumers struggle to use the latest gadgets and how the measurements can provide intelligent feedback to assist elderly or disabled residents.

We also expect sessions on more specific aspects such as measurement of eating behavior of consumers. A broader topic is ‘Measuring the impossible’, which focuses on research into complex phenomena such as emotions and feelings; fun in computer games and brain activity when listening to music.

We have had draft proposals for all of the above, and many more; now is the time for you to finalize your proposals (with lists of speakers) and to actually submit your abstracts for the individual papers and symposia. You can find details about how to submit on the Conference Program page of the conference web site (, and if we can be of any assistance at all with your submission, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Sign Up
To get on the mailing list for announcements, simply reply to this message and submit your contact details. You can also visit the conference web site on and sign up for announcements. We look forward to your contribution!

Yours sincerely,

Prof. Dr. Harry Steinbusch, Conference Chair
Dr. Andrew Spink, Chair, Scientific Program Committee

Measuring Behavior 2008
Conference Secretariat
P.O. Box 268
6700 AG Wageningen
The Netherlands
Phone: +31-317-473300
Fax: +31-317-424496

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