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 Conference on Understanding Conflicts
Posted by: Johanna Seibt
Title/Position: Associate Professor
School/Organization: University of Aarhus
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI
Date posted: January 23rd, 2008

Apologies for crosslisting and multiple posting---please distribute:

First Announcement
Understanding Conflicts--Cross-Cultural Perspectives
August 19-23, 2008, Aarhus, Denmark

An international, interdisciplinary research conference on the diversity of conceptions and cultural images of conflicts:

Conflicts are part of human life and often a source of innovation. Different cultures not only generate conflicts but also impose on agents different “conflict cultures”— preferences for certain types of conflict dynamics (war, settlements, reconciliation) and predispositions for certain forms of epistemic approach (rational analysis, psychological hermeneutics, deep orientation). Attention to differences in cultural images of conflicts—the agentive understanding of sources, dynamics, and possible transformations of conflicts—is of central significance for conflict transformation in societies with cultural diversity.

UC-2008 is the first of a series of large international interdisciplinary meetings that will bring together researchers working on the analysis and transformation of conflicts due to cultural, ethnic, and religious diversity. Our invited speakers are international lead figures in conflict research, sociology, political science, anthropology, psychology, philosophy, sociology, the history of ideas, theology, and religious studies.

We invite submissions of abstracts on any of the 60 conference sessions, including workshop sessions, praxis reports, and panel discussion sessions. For tracks and topics see the conference website. Deadline: March 1. Conference papers will be published in an anthology and 2 special issues of international journals.

Keynote Speakers*:
Seyla Benhabib
Russell Hardin
Pumla Goboda-Madikizelan
Ron Pundak
Amina Wadud

Special Address at City Event, August 23: Bishop Desmond Tutu (confirmation pending)

Invited Speakers*:
Zygmont Baumann, Dept. fo Sociology, University of Leeds, Great Britain
William Connolly, Dept. of Political Science, John Hopkins University
Daniel Druckman, Dept. of Public and International Affairs at George Mason University, USA, and School of Political Science and International Affairs, University of Queensland, Australia
Ervin Staub, Dept. of Psychology, University of Massachusetts, USA
Toh Swee Hin, Multi-Faith Centre of Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia
Alain Touraine, School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences, Paris, France
Jan Oberg, The Transnational Foundation for Peace and Futures Research, Sweden
Marc Howard Ross, Dept. for Peace and Conflict Studies, Bryan Mawr University, USA
Douglas P. Fry, Dept. for Social Sciences, Åbo University, Finland
Sohail Hashmi, Dept. of International Relations, Mount Holyoke College, USA
Michiaki Okuyama, Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture, Japan
Dominique-Sila Khan, Institute for Rajasthan Studies, Jaipur, India
Christopher Mitchell, Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University
Fernando Rendon, Director of the International Poetry Festival of Medellin.
Augustine Shutte, Department of Philosophy, University of Cape Town
Karen Abi-Ezzi, Dept. for Peace Studies, University of Bradford, Great Britain
Reinhold Bernhardt, Dept for Theology, University of Basel, Swizzerland
Gordon Burt, Mathematical Social Science Program, Open University London
Chris Groves, Institute for Sociological Research on the Future, University of Cardiff, GB
Fiencke Harinck, Dept. for Psychology, University of Leiden, Netherlands
Iris Lurasi, Department of Journalism, Tirana University, Albania, Director of the Counselling Center for Girls and Women
Astrid Gade Nielsen, Director of Communications, Arla Foods
Kelly Oliver, Dept for Philosophy, Vanderbilt University, USA
Roberto Poli, Dept. of Sociology, University of Trento, Italy
Antonio Russo, Dept. of Theology, University of Trieste, Italy
Dorothee Schlenke, Dept. of Theology, Pedagogical University Freiburg, Germany
Levent Tezcan, Faculty of the Humanities, University of Tilburg
Thomas Brudholm, Danish Institute for International Studies, Copenhagen
Nils-Henrik Gregersen, Department of Theology, University of Copenhagen
Robin Schott, Department for Philosophy, Danish Pedagogical University
Martijn Van Beek, Institute for Anthropology, Archeology, and Linguistics, University of Aarhus
Kees Van Kooten Niekerk, Department of Theology, University of Aarhus.
Vibeke Vindelov, University of Copenhagen, Center for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, Law

*Some confirmations still pending

Organizer: Department of Philosophy and the History of Ideas, University of Aarhus Main coordinators: Johanna Seibt, Jesper Garsdal, Steen Wackerhausen

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