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 Welcome to ECP14!
Posted by: Jüri Allik
Title/Position: Chair of ECP14; Head of Psychology Department
School/Organization: University of Tartu
Sent to listserv of: SPSP
Date posted: January 22nd, 2008

Dear Colleagues,

It is my pleasure to remind you that the 14th European Conference on
Personality (ECP14) will take place on July 16-20, 2008, in Tartu,

Please note that the new submission deadline for symposia is February 1. For details, see:

And the regular oral presentations and posters can be submitted until February 20. The online registration is open at:

At ECP14, there will be two pre-conference workshops in addition to
invited symposia, paper and poster sessions and keynote speeches. Prof
William Revelle (Northwestern University, USA) and Dr Kenn Konstabel
(University of Tartu and National Institute for Health Development,
Estonia) will conduct a two-day workshop on "Psychometrics using
R"; on July 15-16. Professor Lee Anna Clark (University of Iowa, USA)
will conduct a pre-conference workshop on the Schedule for Nonadaptive and
Adaptive Personality (SNAP) on July 16, 2008.

I am happy to announce that European Association for Personality
Psychology (EAPP), in conjunction with the ECP14 Organizing Committee, is
offering 20 (twenty) scholarships to support postgraduate students and
early career researchers to attend the ECP14. To learn more about the
categories, application and eligibility for these scholarships, please see:

We have also designed a great programme of pre-conference, mid-conference,
and post-conference tours, all showcasing the reserved beauty of Estonian
nature as well as the unique cultural heritage of three beautiful Northern
cities: Tallinn, Riga, and St Petersburg. All interested participants can
use the online registration form to register yourself to the tours.

For further information, see or contact the Secretary General
of ECP14, Ms. Liisi Kööts (

Kind regards,
Prof. Jüri Allik, Chair of ECP14

Department of Psychology
Tartu University

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