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Seeking Unpublished Data on Machiavellianism
Posted by:
Ernest H O'Boyle
Ph.D. Candidate
Virginia Commonwealth University
Sent to listserv of:
Date posted:
January 9th, 2008
Hello all,
I hope everyone had a nice break and please excuse the cross postings. We are in the process of conducting a meta-analysis on Machiavellianism and several OB variables. I am afraid that over the past year we have become victims of mission creep and what started out as a few variables of interest has expanded substantially. We now have the published data under control, but are requesting your help in tracking down unpublished data.
Specifically, if you have a correlation matrix (describing unpublished data) summarizing the relationships between Machiavellianism and any of the following variables...
Big 5
Dark Triad (narcissism/psychopathy/manipulativeness)
intelligence (cognitive or emotional)
social desirability/impression management
job/academic performance
job satisfaction
counterproductive work behaviors
organizational citizenship behaviors
...we would like the opportunity to include your data.
I know this is quite a laundry list of variables, but any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
We hope our meta-analysis will both bring some degree of clarity to the extant literature and provide insights that will direct future research. If you have relevant data, we would appreciate the opportunity to include the findings in our meta-analysis. Please contact Ernest O'Boyle at oboylee h@vcu.edu through February 15, 2008.
Thank you again for your time,
Ernest O’Boyle ( Virginia Commonwealth University )