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 Graduate Course on Prosociality
Posted by: Michael J. Gill
Title/Position: Associate Professor
School/Organization: Lehigh University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI
Date posted: January 7th, 2008

Dear colleagues,

I will be teaching a graduate-level course called "Prosocial Cognition, Emotion, and Behavior." I hope to make it broad in scope, covering diverse topics and perspectives.

I intend to cover work on empathy (e.g., Batson, Davis, developmental literature also) and work on explanation/attribution (e.g., Weiner's work on stigma; essentialism).

I would also like to include some readings on violence/aggression, justice reasoning (especially retributive/punitive vs. restorative), psychology of evil, and perhaps some other topics (e.g., volunteerism?, participation in social movements?, kindness?).

I would greatly appreciate if list members could send me syllabi from courses they've taught that included one or more of these topics. Also, any suggestions for particularly thought-provoking/influential readings would be most welcome. I need a little more help on the topics of violence, justice, evil, and "miscellaneous" than on empathy and explanation/attribution.

Thanks very much, and I wish you a joyful and healthy new year!


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