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 Dec. 28 Deadline for ARP Poster Submissions
Posted by: Lynne Cooper
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: University of Missouri Columbia
Sent to listserv of: SPSP
Date posted: December 8th, 2007

Dear Friends and Colleagues:

The Association for Research in Personality (ARP) is soliciting poster submissions for its 2008 preconference, to be held February 6 and 7, in Albuquerque, just prior to the SPSP convention. Posters and cash bar will follow the keynote address by Eric Turkheimer, University of Virginia, on Wednesday evening, the 6th.

A cash prize for best poster will be awarded. So don't miss the opportunity to share your latest findings and win the 2008 ARP Poster Prize!

Posters must be submitted online no later than Dec 28th. The submission form can be accessed by clicking on:

For additional details on the program or to register for the conference, go to:

Pre-registration closes January 10th. I look forward to seeing you in Albuquerque!

Lynne Cooper
Program Chair

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