Listserv Message Center

Measuring Behavior 2008: Call for Proposals |
Posted by: | Natasja Bogers |
Title/Position: | Conference Coordinator |
School/Organization: | Noldus Information Technology |
Sent to listserv of: | SPSP, SESP, SPSSI |
Date posted: | December 3rd, 2007 |
Call for Proposals:
Measuring Behavior 2008
6th International Conference on
Methods and Techniques in Behavioral Research
Maastricht, The Netherlands
26 - 29 August 2008
Measuring Behavior 2008, the 6th International Conference on Methods and Techniques in Behavioral Research, is the premier interdisciplinary event for scientists and practitioners concerned with the study of human or animal behavior. This unique conference focuses on methods, techniques and tools in behavioral research in the widest sense, from behavioral ecology to neuroscience and from psychology to ergonomics. In doing so, Measuring Behavior responds to a growing need to cross disciplines and create bridges between them; the increasing number of participants in previous meetings shows the great success of this interaction between research fields.
Measuring Behavior 2008 contains a number of novel elements compared with previous meetings, including Workshops, compensation for tutorial instructors, and a Demonstration Showcase with a prize for the most innovative demonstration.
Call for Proposals
The Scientific Program Committee now invites you to submit abstracts for oral papers, posters, and other program elements. Take this opportunity to present your novel methods, techniques, and tools to an interdisciplinary scientific community, or to organize a session dedicated to a breakthrough technology. Presentations should deal with newly developed research methods, techniques or tools, or novel applications of existing techniques.
Categories for Submission and Deadlines
Symposia: 31 January 2008
Oral Papers: 31 January 2008
Special Interest Groups: 31 January 2008
Demonstrations: 31 March 2008
Tutorials: 31 March 2008
Workshops: 31 March 2008
Poster Presentations: 31 March 2008
Details of all program elements can be found on www.noldus.com/mb2008/.
Program Topics
Contributions are welcome on a wide variety of topics, including (but not limited to):
- Video tracking and automatic behavior recognition
- Automatic measurement of facial expression and emotion
- Gait analysis in humans and animals;
- Pain assessment;
- Brain-computer interfaces;
- Multimodal analysis of behavior and physiology;
- Sound and speech analysis;
- High-throughput technologies for behavioral phenotyping and pharmacological screening;
- Innovations in eye tracking;
- Measuring consumer behavior in naturalistic settings;
- New animal models for psychiatric and neurological diseases;
- Tools for aerospace and automotive human factors research;
- Mobile user experience measurement;
- Measurement technologies for ambient assisted living;
- Measuring usability, accessibility, and user experience.
An extended list of possible topics can be found at:
Sign Up
To get on the mailing list for announcements, simply reply to this message and submit your contact details. You can also visit the conference web site on www.noldus.com/mb2008/ and sign up for announcements. We look forward to your contribution!
Yours sincerely,
Prof. Dr. Harry Steinbusch, Conference Chair
Dr. Andrew Spink, Chair, Scientific Program Committee
Measuring Behavior 2008
Conference Secretariat
P.O. Box 268
6700 AG Wageningen
The Netherlands
Phone: +31-317-473300
Fax: +31-317-424496
Email: mb2008@noldus.nl
Web: http://www.noldus.com/mb2008/