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Subject Pool Compensation Rate
Posted by:
Cheryl Kaiser
Assistant Professor
University of Washington
Sent to listserv of:
Date posted:
November 28th, 2007
Dear Colleagues,
If your department has a subject pool that offers students course credit for their participation in research, I’d like to know how much each hour of research credit is worth in terms of a student’s total grade in the course. Basically, our subject pool committee wants to get a sense of how our “study participation pay rate” compares with other departments.
I’ve set up a simple web survey to collect your response to this question, and it can be found here:
Alternatively, please feel free to e-mail your response to the following question directly to me:
1. One hour of research participation credit is worth ____% of a student's total course grade.
I’ll summarize all responses and report back to the list.
Cheryl R. Kaiser
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology
Box 351525
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195-1525