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 Ph.D. Student Position
Posted by: Kees van den Bos
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: Utrecht University, the Netherlands
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: November 15th, 2007

Ph.D. Student Position (AIO)

Uncertainty and Terror Management:
Social Psychological Insight into Reactions to Violations of Cultural Worldviews

This project aims to obtain more insight into the processes that lead people to react in strong negative terms toward events or persons who threaten their cultural worldviews. In doing so, this project focuses on uncertainty management theory and terror management theory, two social psychological frameworks that both focus on people's reactions to violations of their cultural worldviews, yet do so from slightly different perspectives. By contrasting the insights and predictions that follow from recent work on uncertainty and terror management theories the present proposal seeks to get more insight into the social psychological processes of cultural worldview defense. We will test hypotheses with laboratory experiments. Several international journal articles and a PhD thesis should be written during this project.

Working conditions: You will work with Kees van den Bos, Professor of Social Psychology at the Department of Social and Organizational Psychology at Utrecht University. Utrecht University is a leading international research university. In the prestigious Shanghai ranking of the world’s top universities, Utrecht University was rated the 40th best university in the world and the 6th best in Europe. Utrecht is a lovely, sparkling city, the 4th largest city of the Netherlands, with a population over 250 000, 30 min. by train from Amsterdam Airport, with good housing and other facilities. The Department of Social and Organizational Psychology includes 35 faculty members, including renowned social psychologists such as Henk Aarts, Ruud Custers, Wolfgang Stroebe, Michael Häfner, Esther Kluwer, and John de Wit. The social psychology program focuses on social-cognitive and interpersonal determinants of behavior and participates in the Linschoten Institute (Psychology Research Institute at Utrecht University) and the Kurt Lewin Institute (the Dutch research school for social psychology and its applications).

Requirements: A Master’s Degree in Social Psychology or another relevant discipline. Knowledge of and experience with experimental studies. Good mastery of English writing skills. Good presentation skills. Expertise with respect to advanced statistical analyses. A keen interest in theories of cultural worldview defense.

We offer a temporary 1.0 FTE position of 1.5 years with (in case of good performances) the prospect of an extension of another 2.5 years (in total 4 years full-time). The gross salary starts with € 1956 gross per month in the first year and increases to € 2502 gross per month in the fourth year of employment at a full-time appointment (Collective Employment Agreement of the Dutch Universities). In addition, we offer a high-quality training program for PhD-students. Start date: preferably February 1, 2008 (and not later than September 1, 2008).

Further details: For information about the position or a description of the project please contact Kees van den Bos (; +31 30 253 3460 / 1470).

How to apply: Submit your application, including a curriculum vitae and a list of courses followed and marks obtained, before December 3, 2007 to Prof. Dr. Kees van den Bos, Department of Social and Organizational Psychology, Utrecht University, Heidelberglaan 1, 3584 CS Utrecht, The Netherlands; E-mail:

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