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 Endorsements for APA President
Posted by: M. Lynne Cooper
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: University of Missouri Columbia
Sent to listserv of: SESP
Date posted: October 31st, 2007

Dear Colleagues:

We are writing to you concerning the upcoming election for president of the American Psychological Association. There are several strong candidates who, if elected, are in a position to strengthen the role of science within APA.

The Coalition for Academic, Scientific, and Applied Research psychology (CASAP), an advocacy group for scientific and academic psychology within APA Council (APA’s governing body), recommends ranking Ron Rozensky first and James Bray and Margaret Heldring second.

Ballots are on the way or may have just arrived. Don’t throw them away. Please vote. Spread the word to colleagues at your institution and beyond to use their ballots and vote. Also APA uses the hare system in counting ballots, so rank ordering candidates beyond your first choice is very important.

With your help, we can elect a strong scientist to be president of APA!


The Executive Committee of CASAP

Lynne Cooper, University of Missouri Columbia
Robert Dipboye, University of Central Florida
Kurt Geisinger, University of Nebraska
Bonnie Strickland, University of Massachusetts,
Janet Swim, Pennsylvania State University
Henry Taylor, Bell South Laboratories

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