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 Research Assistantships Available
Posted by: Kent Kiehl
Title/Position: Associate Professor
School/Organization: The MIND Institute; University of New Mexico
Sent to listserv of: SPSP
Date posted: October 12th, 2007

Clinical research assistant positions are currently available in Dr. Kent Kiehl’s laboratory at The MIND Institute and the Department of Psychology at the University of New Mexico (open until filled). Multiple two-year fellowships and/or full-time research assistant positions available in clinical assessment. Individuals applying for research assistant positions must have bachelor’s degree (MA and/or Ph.D. applicants also accepted) – pay will be commensurate with experience. All positions are open immediately until filled. Flexible start dates are possible for excellent candidates. All candidates should possesses strong interest, and preferably experience, working with incarcerated populations.

Position duties include working with a research team on several large grant funded studies examining the cognitive and neural systems underlying adolescent and adult psychopathy, substance abuse, and related illnesses. The positions entail recruitment and assessment of forensic participants for research. In particular, hires will learn to assess psychopathy via clinical interviews, conduct medical histories, perform neuropsychological testing and DSM-IV structured interviews and help with preparation of grants, ethics proposals, and manuscripts. Clinical assessment training will be provided. This is an excellent opportunity for recent college graduates who are seeking to go onto graduate or medical school – minimum commitment is one year – two years are highly preferred. Qualified hires will also receive training in brain imaging (event-related potentials (ERP) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)) data collection and analyses. ). Position will include access to the MIND Mobile Imaging System that is deployed to local prisons (adolescent and adult male/female facilities). The lab plans to collect brain imaging data on at least 1000 inmates per year. Please submit by email a cover letter, statement of research interests and training, curriculum vitae and names of three references to

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