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 Job Posting: Student Assistant Statistician
Posted by: David Perrott
Title/Position: Trial Consultant
School/Organization: TrialGraphix
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI
Date posted: October 1st, 2007

Dear Colleagues,

I’m submitting this job posting on behalf of the Commissioner of the New York State Division of Human Rights, located in New York City. They are looking for a Student Assistant Statistician, details below. Please pass this along to any interested graduate students. Please submit any inquiries to Spencer Freedman at

David Perrott
Ph.D. Northwestern 2003


The Student Assistant will be responsible for analyzing data obtained in conjunction with the Division’s investigations and enforcement actions and, where necessary, will assist the Division in analyzing data related to individual complaints of discrimination and in calculating economic damages.


• Devising models and/or strategies for analyzing data related to Division inquiries, investigations and enforcement actions.

• Advising the Division on proper approaches to analyze data pertaining to particular subject matters.

• Analyzing data pertaining to particular subject matters and developing appropriate, accurate, and defensible findings.

• Drafting memoranda explaining research results in clear terms and collaborating with Division staff on how research results may impact Division inquiries, investigations, and enforcement actions.


• Graduate level work in statistics, including competence in regression analysis.
• Ability to work efficiently and under deadline.
• Ability to communicate clearly, both orally and in writing.
• Practical or academic foundation in economics preferred but not required.
• Familiarity with financial documents preferred but not required.
• Familiarity with and/or experience in civil rights law preferred, but not required.

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