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 2008 Research Grant Competition: Defining Wisdom
Posted by: John T. Cacioppo
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: University of Chicago
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: September 25th, 2007

The Wisdom Project

The Arete Initiative at the University of Chicago is pleased to announce a new $2 million research program on the nature and benefits of wisdom. Although it has been neglected in the past, a new scientific and scholarly study of wisdom has the potential to raise new questions, challenge assumptions, and develop new theoretical and empirical models which will enliven debate within and across disciplines. In this new grant competition, we seek to support highly original, methodologically rigorous projects from a broad range of disciplines on the theme of "Defining Wisdom."

2008 Research Grants

In 2008, up to twenty (20) two-year research grants will be awarded to scholars from institutions around the world who have received their Ph.D. within the past ten years. For a description of the required letter of intent and more information about the Wisdom Project, go to:
or contact us directly at

Letter of Intent Deadline: November 19, 2007

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