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 Mentor Award Winner
Posted by: Nicole Shelton
Title/Position: Associate Professor
School/Organization: Princeton University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: August 26th, 2007

We are delighted to announce that Jack Dovidio is the recipient of the 2007 Raymond D. Fowler Award sponsored by the Committee of the American Psychological Association of Graduate Students (APAGS). According to the APAGS, criteria for this award include “encouraging and facilitating academic and/or scientific excellence, encouraging broader socialization of students, and helping students to shape their own professional identity.”

Jack was nominated by graduate students, postdocs, and several recently tenured Associate Professors (Demis Glasford, Mikki Hebl, Adam Pearson, Jennifer Richeson, Ann Marie Russell, Tamar Saguy, Nicole Shelton, Stacey Sinclair, Katherine Stroebe, and Tessa West). What is so unique about this list of people is it includes more than just his own students! Many of the people on the list are junior and mid-career scholars who were never Jack's official advisees. In addition, it includes one graduate student who decided not to attend the University of Connecticut to work with Jack, but still continues to receive support from him. Throughout all of the letters of support was the admiration that someone of Jack’s stature would work tirelessly to help graduate students and junior faculty.

Please join us in congratulating Jack Dovidio!

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