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Visiting Position Announcement
Posted by:
Thomas Harlow
Assistant Professor
Tusculum College
Sent to listserv of:
Date posted:
August 10th, 2007
Tusculum College invites applications for a one-year visiting position at the Assistant Professor level to begin August 15, 2007. Duties include teaching Introductory Psychology, Educational Psychology, Developmental Psychology, and Counseling or Community-Based Research. Area of research interest is open. Ph.D. preferred -- ABD considered. Due to the short time frame under which we need to fill this position, applicants should email CV's including phone numbers for three references directly to Brian Pope, Department Chair (bpope@tusculum.edu). Please put "Psychology Search" in the subject line. Interested persons are also free to call him at (423) 636-7300 ext. 5135 for more information.
Tusculum College is nestled in the foothills of the Smoky Mountains in beautiful northeast Tennessee. We're located a little over one hour northeast of Knoxville and about an hour north of Asheville, NC. Faculty orientation is August 16 and classes begin August 20.