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 Visiting Position at Western Washington University
Posted by: Barbara Lehman
Title/Position: Assistant Professor
School/Organization: Western Washington University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: July 24th, 2007

The Psychology Department at Western Washington University is looking for a one-year (with possible extension for a second year) Visiting Assistant Professor to teach undergraduate and graduate level courses in statistics and research methods, beginning September 15, 2007. A statistically oriented social or personality psychologist would be an excellent fit for the position.

The courses that need to be filled are combined statistics and research methodology courses. The undergraduate courses are the second and third in a series of three courses required for the major. One course emphasizes non-experimental methodology, correlation, and regression. The other is a course in experimental design and analysis, including factorial ANOVA and post-hoc tests. Students in this course conduct their own experiments. The person hired for this position would also be responsible for teaching a course in ANOVA and experimental design to the first-year students in our Experimental Master’s degree program. For more information, please see the course descriptions available at (the courses are 302, 303, and 513). I think that there could also be an opportunity to teach classes in an area of substantive specialization—ask if you have questions about this.

In my opinion, the quality of the undergraduates here and the curriculum of the psychology major make this a very good place to work. This is a very friendly department, and Bellingham is wonderful. There is also a lot of active student involvement with faculty research, so I’ve had the pleasure of working with a large number of outstanding undergraduates and have found it very easy to get research done.

Please pass this on to anyone who might be interested. Those who want to apply should contact the acting chair, Larry Symons, at I am also happy to answer any questions.

Barbara Lehman
Assistant Professor
Western Washington University
Bellingham, WA 98225

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