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 Call: Language, Communication & Cognition
Posted by: Stephanie Pourcel
Title/Position: Research Fellow
School/Organization: University of Brighton
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP
Date posted: July 24th, 2007

(apologies for cross-postings)


University of Brighton, August 4th-7th 2008, Brighton, UK
Web site:

The conference on Language, Communication and Cognition aims to promote an interdisciplinary, comparative, multi-methodological approach to the study of language, communication and cognition, informed by method and practice as developed in Cognitive Linguistics. The objective is to contribute to our understanding of language as a key aspect of human cognition, using converging and multi-disciplinary methodologies, based upon cross-linguistic, cross-cultural, and cross-population comparisons.

The conference will address the following themes:
-Language, creativity and imagination
-Language in use
-Meaning and grammar
-Communication, conceptualisation and gesture
-Language and its influence on thought
-Language acquisition and conceptual development
-Origins and evolution of language and mind

Keynote speakers

The following distinguished scholars will be giving keynote lectures related to the conference themes:

Lera Boroditsky, Stanford University

Herbert H. Clark, Stanford University

Adele Goldberg, Princeton University

Sotaro Kita, Birmingham University

George Lakoff, University of California, Berkeley

Michael Tomasello, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig

Theme Sessions

In addition to a General Session and a Poster Session, there will be 6 specially-convened theme sessions, with specially invited discussants. These are as follows:

1. The socio-cultural, cognitive and neurological bases of metaphor

Discussants: George Lakoff and Vyv Evans

2. Cognitive and social processes in language use

Discussants: Herbert Clark and Paul Hopper

3. Constructional approaches to grammar and first language acquisition

Discussants: Adele Goldberg and Eve Clark

4. The role of gesture in communication and cognition

Discussants: Sotaro Kita and Alan Cienki

5. The social and cognitive bases of language evolution

Discussants: Chris Sinha and Michael Tomasello

6. Linguistic relativity: Evidence and methods

Discussants: Lera Boroditsky and Dan Slobin

Submission of abstracts

Submissions are solicited for the general session, the theme sessions, and the poster session. The abstract guidelines for all sessions are as follows:

--Abstracts should not exceed 500 words (references are excluded from this count)

--Abstracts should clearly indicate a presentation title

--Abstracts should be anonymous for purposes of blind peer-review

--Abstracts should be formatted as Word, RTF or PDF documents

--Abstracts should be submitted electronically to

Please include the following information in the main body of your email:

--title and name of author(s)


--email address for correspondence

--presentation title

--3-5 keywords

--preferred session for presentation: either general session, poster session, or theme session (please specify theme session number or title)

Please include the following information in the subject header of your email:

--"Abstract Submission - author(s) name(s)"

ABSTRACT DEADLINE: November 26th 2007


The conference is organised by Vyv Evans and Stéphanie Pourcel


The conference email address is For full additional details, please consult the conference web site:

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