Listserv Message Center

Editorial Search: Personal Relationships |
Posted by: | Dan Perlman |
Title/Position: | Publication Committee Chair |
School/Organization: | International Assn. for Relationship Research |
Sent to listserv of: | SPSP, SESP |
Date posted: | June 18th, 2007 |
IARR Seeks Nominations for PR Editor
The International Association for Relationship Research is seeking nominations for the editorship of the journal Personal Relationships (PR). Personal Relationships is an international, interdisciplinary journal that has as its aim the promotion of scholarship in the field of personal relationships throughout a broad range of methodologies and disciplines. The job of the Editor involves overseeing the review and publication process within IARR’s publication policies, and exercising the full range of editorial skills, as well as soliciting manuscripts. As such, the Editor should be an internationally recognized scholar/researcher who is a leader in the field of personal relationships.
Following an initial period of preparation from January 2008 until May 2008 (which will likely include switching the journal to online manuscript processing), the incoming editor will begin processing new submissions to the journal on June 1, 2008. She or he will be masthead editor for at least three or possibly four years, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013, turning over the processing of new manuscripts to the subsequent editor on either June 1, 2011 (in the event of a 3 year term) or June 1, 2012 (in the event of a 4 year term). Self-nominations for this important and rewarding role are welcomed. A complete application package should include (a) the candidate’s CV, (b) a 2-3 page letter from the candidate describing his or her views on editing the journal, (c) names of three references who can comment on the candidate’s qualifications as an editor, and (d) examples of three reviews (or action letters) the candidate has completed in the past 2-3 years.
In a covering letter, candidates are asked to reflect on their approach to being PR’s editor. Applicants should include in this letter:
* their vision of the journal,
* their editing philosophy,
* their managerial approach
* financial matters,
* other matters they see as important.
For example, in expressing their vision, candidates might set forth their goals and plans for the content of the journal, including an assessment of the Journal’s current strengths, weaknesses, or position vis-a-vis related publications and what initiatives the candidates would propose to further enhance the journal. Discussion of editorial philosophy may include comments on the criteria used in selecting manuscripts, editor-author relationships, any particular editorial policies the candidate might want to implement, the candidate’s approach to preparing decision letters, etc. Turning to the managerial approach, being an editor involves processing a large number of submissions in an organized, timely fashion; working with associate editors; working with the publisher in the publication production process; staying within a budget; etc. Candidates should comment on the managerial, administrative aspects of being editor.
Apropos of financial matters, IARR does not pay for office space or release time, but provides basic financial support for office resources as necessary to journal editors. Applicants should include in their letters financial (or other forms of) support that would be available from their institution and costs they would anticipate in running the editorial office (including Associate Editor expenses).
Queries may be directed to any member of the Publications Committee: Duncan Cramer d.cramer@lboro.ac.uk, Kathryn Dindia dindia@uwm.edu, Julie Fitness, jfitness@psy.mq.edu.au, Claire M. Kamp Dush cmk54@cornell.edu, Sue Sprecher sprecher@ilstu.edu, or Dan Perlman (Chair) d.perlman@ubc.ca.
All nomination materials should be submitted (preferably electronically) to Dan Perlman (d.perlman@ubc.ca) by October 1, 2007.