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 Job Opening: Department Lecturer
Posted by: Don Operario
Title/Position: University Lecturer
School/Organization: University of Oxford
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: June 9th, 2007

Departmental Lecturer in Evidence-Based Social Intervention


Grade 7: Salary £26,666 - £32,796 p.a. (with effect 1 August 2007)

This post is offered on a fixed term contract for two years commencing on 1 September 2007. Applications are invited from people in a relevant field of social or behavioural science (e.g., psychology, criminology, epidemiology, mental health) with strong teaching abilities and an excellent track record of research -- or with the potential for this. They will join the team teaching the successful and innovative graduate programme in Evidence-Based Social Intervention, which provides high quality research training in evidence-based approaches to social and psychosocial problems, and has a strong focus on methodology for evaluating effectiveness of interventions, including randomised trials and systematic reviews. Information about the work of the Centre can be found at:

and informal enquiries about the post can be made to the Course Director, Frances Gardner, Reader in Child and Family Psychology, at

The Department of Social Policy and Social Work is an interdisciplinary social science centre of excellence for teaching and research in social policy and evidence-based social intervention. The teaching programme includes the graduate M.Sc. and M.Phil. in Comparative Social Policy (CSP) and the M.Sc. and M.Phil. in Evidence Based Social Intervention (EBSI), as well as a doctoral research programme in both social policy and evidence-based intervention.

Further particulars and details of how to apply can be found at:

or are available from The Administrator (Applications), DSPSW, 32 Wellington Square, Oxford, OX1 2ER (Tel: 01865 270325).

The closing date for applications is noon on Monday 18 June 2007 and it is anticipated that interviews will be held in late June or early July.

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