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 Two Lectureship Positions
Posted by: Richard Crisp
Title/Position: Professor of Psychology
School/Organization: Department of Psychology, University of Kent
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: May 29th, 2007

Apologies for cross-posting.

University of Kent

Lecturer in Psychology (2 Posts)
Department of Psychology
Reference number: 294
Closing date: 12 Noon Friday 8 June 2007
Salary: Grade 7: £27,465 - £31,840 pa
Contract: Ongoing and Full-time

The Department's research generally falls under the themes of social and cognitive psychology. Applicants at an early stage of their career who can demonstrate research excellence in fundamental research within these areas or their application to developmental, forensic, or health psychology would be particularly welcome. Candidates should have expertise that directly complements the Department's research strengths in these areas.

The successful candidate must have, or have submitted, a Ph.D. in a relevant area of Psychology and be able to demonstrate excellent publication and research achievement commensurate with their stage of career.

The successful applicant will also be required to contribute effectively to the department's undergraduate and graduate teaching.

Informal enquiries are welcome, please contact Professor Diane Houston (Head of Department) on 01227 827933, ).

You must be willing and able to join the Department by 1 October 2007 at the latest.

Interview date will be: Monday 18 June 2007.

Further details:

You can download full details of this position at:

Documents are available in either Microsoft Word or PDF format.

To download a PDF file you will need a PDF viewer. Adobe Acrobat Reader can be downloaded for free from the Acrobat web site.

Alternatively you can telephone the Personnel Office for further particulars and application details on 01227 827837 (24 hours) or e-mail: quoting 294. Text phone users please telephone 01227 824145.

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