Listserv Message Center

APA Miniconvention on Ethics and Interrogation |
Posted by: | Rhoda Unger |
Title/Position: | Resident Scholar |
School/Organization: | Brandeis University |
Sent to listserv of: | SPSP, SESP, SPSSI |
Date posted: | May 25th, 2007 |
I think you will find the program outlined below of considerable interest. It will take place as part of the APA convention in August in San Francisco. Please share it with your colleagues and students. We believe you will recognize the names of a good number of the presenters. The names listed for a session are in alphabetical order but not in the actual order of presentation.
If you will be at APA, please support as many of these sessions as you can with your presence and participation in discussion.
Ethics and Interrogations: Confronting the Challenge
Session 1: What are Psychologists doing in U.S. Military Detention Centers?
[Chair: W. Steven Sellman, PhD; Friday 8-9:50am, Moscone Center room 3016]
(1) Uwe Jacobs, PhD
(2) Steve Kleinman, MS
(3) Tony Lagouranis
(4) Steven Reisner, PhD
(5) Morgan Sammons, PhD
(6) “Katherine Sherwood” PhD (Department of Defense)
Session 2: What Does the Research on Interrogations Tell Us?
[Chair: Bradley D. Olson, PhD; Friday 10-11:50am, Moscone Center room 3016]
(1) Mark Constanzo, PhD
(2) Charles A. Morgan, III, MD
(3) Shara Sand, PhD
(4) Phil Zimbardo, PhD
Session 3: What is the Evolution of APA policy on Ethics and Interrogation?
[Chair: Bernice Lott, PhD; Friday 2-3:50pm, Moscone Center room 3014]
(1) Neil E. Altman, PhD
(2) Jean Maria Arrigo, PhD
(3) Steve Breckler, PhD
(4) Olivia Moorehead-Slaughter, PhD
(5) Corann Okoradudu, PhD
(6) Judith Van Hoorn, PhD
(7) Linda Woolf, PhD
Session 4: How do Human Rights and Laws Apply to Detention Centers?
[Co-Chairs: Neil E. Altman, PhD and Linda Woolf, PhD; Saturday 2-3:50pm, Moscone Center room 3014]
(1) Jim McGarrah
(2) Mike Gelles, PsyD
(3) Bradley D. Olson, PhD
(4) Susan Opotow, PhD
(5) Len Rubenstein, JD
Session 5: What are the Impacts of Ethnicity, Language, and Identity on Interrogations?
[Chair: Rhoda Unger, PhD; Sunday 12-1:50pm, Moscone Center room 3014]
(1) Max Gross, PhD
(2) Herb Kelman, PhD
(3) Eileen Zubriggen, PhD
(4) Michael G. Wessells, PhD
Session 6: What are the Effects of Psychological Torture and Abuse?
[Chair: Linda Woolf. PhD; Sunday 2-3:50pm, Moscone Center room 3014]
(1) Glislaine Boulanger, PhD
(2) Robert A. Geffner, PhD
(3) Jeff Kaye, PhD
(4) Brinton Lykes, PhD
(5) Rosa Garcia-Peltoniemi, PhD
(6) Morgan Sammons, PhD
(7) Nina K. Thomas, PhD
Town Hall Meeting: Review and Future Directions
[Chairs: Douglas Haldeman, PhD and Olivia Moorehead-Slaughter, PhD; Sunday 5-6:50pm, Hilton Hotel, Plaza Room A]
Session 7: What Ethical Dilemmas do Psychologists Working in Detention Centers Face?
[Chair: Scott W. Allen, PhD; Monday 10-11:50am, Moscone Center room 3009]
(1) Michael G. Gelles, PsyD
(2) Craig Haney, PhD
(3) Robert T. Kinscherff, PhD, Esq
(4) Stephen M. Soldz, PhD
Session 8: What challenges and complexities does providing treatment to detainees entail?
[Chair: Ibrahim Kira, PhD; Monday 12-1:50pm, Moscone Center room 3009]
(1) Martha Davis, PhD
(2) Carrie Kennedy, PhD
(3) Frank Summers, PhD
(4) Ed Tejirian, PhD