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 Summary: Compensation for Thesis/ Capstone Work
Posted by: Kimberly O'Farrell
Title/Position: Associate Professor
School/Organization: MN State University, Mankato
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP
Date posted: May 17th, 2007

Many thanks to those of you who responded to my inquiry on Tuesday! Your feedback was very helpful to our committee. I have included the original query below as well as the plan that just (as of 45 minutes ago) came out of committee at Minnesota State University--Mankato.

Unfortunately, I cannot figure out how to attach a file, so I have pasted below the summary of compensation information provided by members of this listserv (as well as a summary that someone from Creative Writing provided in our meeting). I left out (as did my creative writing colleague) the satirical side comments that I received, although it is apparent that we are at least regarded warmly by our students and colleagues for these efforts.

Best wishes!

Original Post:
> Hi Everyone,
> I am on a university committee that is looking into how to compensate
> professors for their work on graduate thesis and graduate capstone
> experiences.
> We would appreciate any information that you have about how your
> universities compensate faculty for such work.
> I will summarize the responses that I get and post them to the list.
> Thanks for your help,
> Kim

MSU-Mankato Ad Hoc Committee Recommendations (to be submitted to the university & faculty for review):
- This plan is only for faculty who are not already compensated for such work (e.g., via reduced course loads).
- Pts allocated by nature of capstone project (Consultants provided advising to the student beyond a reader, such as statistical help):

Terminal Degree Theses/Projects: Advisor 40 pts, Readers 2pts, (Consultants, if applicable 5 pts)

Master's Theses: Advisor 30 pts, Readers 2pts, (Consultants, if applicable 5 pts)

Master's Alternate Plan Papers: Advisor 20 pts, Readers 2pts, (Consultants, if applicable 5 pts)

Other: By petition to determine appropriate allocation.

- 80 pts = 1 credit hour to be applied toward reassigned time (subject to departmental needs) or overload credit hours (i.e., $).

- Max total overload credits (including other sources of overload credit): 5 credits/ yr

Listserv Summary:

SPSP & SESP Listserves:

-- Towson U
$600 per M.A. Thesis Student ($100 for ea of the 6 credits for which students must register)
-- Member of CDC
$100 - $300 per committee (external member, unaffiliated with the university -- e.g., Trinity U in Alberta Canada)
-- Western Illinois U
$500 for every thesis completed (faculty union negotiated this)
-- St. Mary's U, Halifax, CANADA
Reduction in workload for up to 1 full year credit course during the academic year in which the students are registered & activity engaged in their Ph.D. dissertations -- rarely used; For every compelted thesis $1366 honorarium effective Sept 2008; Primary research projects for MBA or Executive Master's of Business Admin -- $683 effective Sept 2008; Undergraduate honor's theses -- $382 effective Sept 2008
-- U of Victoria
Person w/ highest cumulative total of points for each year gets course off next year: Completed PhD = 15 points, MA = 10, Honors = 5 or 7, Small courses (independent study?) = 5.
-- Buena Vista U
Two 2-semester "Research Thesis/ Stats" courses allocated to 2 faculty (1 class each), every other year
-- Boise State U
5 theses = 1 class
-- Metropolitan State U
Student registers for a (low-credit) "student designed independent study" course for which the faculty is compensated

Creative Writing Program Listservs:
-- Central Michigan U
4 theses = 1 course reassignment
-- Columbia College
$2000/ semester for grad faculty for all grad-related wrk, including theses
-- Eastern Michigan
7 theses = 1 course reassignment
-- MN State Moorhead
Dean makes up credit gap for thesis directors who work btwn 22 & 24 credits (24 credits normal load)
-- Northern Michigan
1 pt for directors & .25 pts for readers: 4 pts = 1 course reassignment or $800 for directors & $200 for readers
-- U or Akron
2 pts for directors, 1 pt for 1st reader: 12 pts = 1 course reassignment
-- U of Michigan
1 professor serves as 1st reader in genre for all theses & gets credit for a course in which all thesis students are enrolled
-- U of Minnesota
$0 for regular faculty: $500 for adjuncts serving as second readers
-- U of Missouri
Reduction in service expectations
-- U of Nebraska
$100 for a 4th semester thesis course
-- U of St. Thomas
$400 for directors

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