Listserv Message Center

Join the Association for Research in Personality |
Posted by: | Brent W. Roberts |
Title/Position: | Professor |
School/Organization: | University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Sent to listserv of: | SPSP |
Date posted: | May 15th, 2007 |
Join the Association for Research in Personality today!
The Association for Research in Personality (ARP) is a scientific organization formed in 2001 devoted to bringing together interested in understanding of personality structure, development, and dynamics.
ARP was formed to establish an integrative forum to represent new and exiting trends in personality psychology. Members represent the broad cross-section of psychology and allied disciplines that is actively interested in the study of personality, including clinical psychologists, social psychologists, psychiatrists, developmental psychologists, health psychologists, I/O psychologists, as well as personality psychologists.
What are the benefits of ARP Membership? Your membership includes:
• A subscription to the Journal of Research in Personality, the official publication of the association (currently edited by Laura King).
• Reduced registration fees for the ARP preconference held yearly prior to the meetings of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology. Past eminent speakers include, Peter Borkenau, Ed Diener, Geraldine Downey, Ravenna Helson, Robert Hogan, Brian Little, Hazel Markus, Dan McAdams, Robert McCrae, Walter Mischel, Susan Nolen-Hoeksema, Bill Swann, Frank Sulloway, Frans de Waal, & David Watson. The ARP conference has historically offered opportunities for junior faculty and graduate students to present their research either in symposia or poster sessions and to have multiple opportunities to meet and mingle with the leading scholars in the field of personality psychology.
• Reduced registration fees for our future conferences. Starting in 2009, these conferences will be held in conjunction with the European Association of Personality Psychology (EAPP) and will be free-standing (i.e., no longer in conjunction with the Society for Personality and Social Psychology).
• Your own member profile on the ARP web site that describes your research. This site can serve as a web site for individuals without a dedicated web site at their home institution. Go to http://www.personality-arp.org/profilelist.php to view member profiles already on line.
• Access to the ARP listserv where experts on personality assessment, development, and processes are available for queries and discussions.
• “P” the new ARP newsletter with articles from international scholars, announcements, columns by the ARP president, and descriptions of personality programs around the world.
• News about the J.S. Tanaka Award for the best dissertation in personality psychology. Winners speak at the ARP conference. Recent award winners include Mark Fournier, Kate Walton, and Colin DeYoung.
Given everything included membership in ARP is reasonable $40 per year ($20 introductory rate for graduate students). Your dues payment will cover you through the end of 2007.
To join ARP, please go to:
To learn more about ARP visit us at our web site at: