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 Question about PhD program requirements
Posted by: Rebecca Warner
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: University of New Hampshire
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP
Date posted: May 10th, 2007

Our PhD program is in the process of evaluating possible changes in graduate curriculum and we would value information about these issues: number and type of required courses in quantitative methods, and type of proseminar offered (if any).

Please send responses directly to me ( and I will post a summary to the list.

A bit of background information such as the areas of psychology in which your PhD program grants degrees (e.g. social, developmental, cognitive, neuroscience, etc.) would also be helpful.

1. The first question deals with your program's course offerings in quantitative methods or statistics.

How many courses in quantitative methods or statistics does your PhD program require ? If you can supply additional information (course descriptions, syllabi, topics included) that would be very useful.

How many graduate level courses in quantitative methods do you think would be desirable for for most PhD students in social/ personality/ developmental/ cognitive and similar areas?

2. The second question has to do with Proseminar offerings.

Does your PhD program require a Proseminar?

Is your PhD program proseminar:

- An informal introduction to faculty research interests

- An overview of one specific area of psychology such as social or cognitive

- A broad review of all major areas of psychology typically included in introductory psychology?

Thank you for any information you can provide.

- Rebecca Warner,

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