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 Postdoctoral Fellowship Available
Posted by: Emiliana Simon-Thomas
Title/Position: Postdoctoral Research Scientist
School/Organization: University of California, Berkeley
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: April 10th, 2007

Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Biological Mechanisms of Positive Emotion

The Institute of Personality and Social Research and the Department of Psychology at UC--Berkeley offer one two-year, full-time Postdoctoral Fellowship beginning as early as June 1, 2007. The postdoctoral fellow will work directly with faculty (Dacher Keltner, Oliver John), post-docs (Emiliana Simon-Thomas) and graduate students on ongoing studies of: the neural underpinnings of discrete positive emotions, the correlates of prosocial behavior and the effects of transformative experiences on emotional and social processes. Of particular priority are skills in psychophysiology measurement and longitudinal methodologies.

Salary is $36,732, and benefits are provided. Applicants must have a doctoral degree from an APA-accredited program.

To apply, please send us your: (1) curriculum vitae; (2) statement of research goals; (3) at least one sample publication, and (4) three letters of recommendation. Candidates should direct their recommenders to the University’s statement on confidentiality, found at:

UC--Berkeley is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.

Send application packets to:

Dacher Keltner
Institute of Personality and Social Research
4143 Tolman Hall
University of California--Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720

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