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 CICA-STR 2007 Terrorism Conference
Posted by: Samuel Sinclair
Title/Position: Vice President & Secretary, STR
School/Organization: Suffolk University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: April 10th, 2007

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to remind you that the May 1st submission deadline for the first-ever joint meeting of the International Colloquium on Conflict and Aggression (CICA) and the International Society for Terrorism Research (STR) is rapidly approaching. The meeting will be held between September 27-30, 2007 in Madrid, Spain. Please visit our conference website for the official call for papers and details on registering for the conference:

We invite submissions on all topics related to terrorism. The following are some suggested categories for presentations, others are possible.

· Defining the terms of conflicts

· Societal and personal reactions to terrorism

· Psychological characteristics of the terrorists

· The role of “hearts and minds” in policy making

· Global context of terrorism and aggression

· Biology and evolution of aggression

· Torture

· Systemic approaches to aggression and terrorism

· Vicious cycles of war and conflict

· Suicide and homicide attacks as vehicles for terrorism

· The effect of dialogue on terrorists

· Providing platforms to terrorists to get their message out peacefully

· Complex causation of terrorism and aggression

You may also write Samuel Sinclair at with questions. We look forward to your submissions and seeing you at the conference!


Samuel J. Sinclair
Vice President & Secretary
International Society for Terrorism Research (STR)

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