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 Psychology Postion at Colby College
Posted by: Thane Pittman
Title/Position: Professor of Psychology
School/Organization: Colby College
Sent to listserv of: SPSP
Date posted: March 29th, 2007

PERSONALITY or CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY, VISITING ASSISTANT PROFESSOR or INSTRUCTOR: The Department of Psychology at Colby College has a one-year visiting position in personality or clinical psychology beginning September 1, 2007. The primary thrust of our program is to involve our exceptional undergraduates in meaningful research that contributes to the global effort to advance psychological knowledge (for more information please see our web site at:

Teaching responsibilities will include participation in a team-taught introductory course, a course in personality and psychopathology, supervision of senior projects, and advising undergraduates interested in pursuing careers in clinical psychology. Other courses will depend on the successful candidate’s area of specialization and teaching interests. The teaching load for the year is four courses in addition to segments of a team-taught introductory course and supervision of 5-6 senior projects. The successful candidate will be encouraged to establish a research program; facilities and support for research will be available. The Ph.D. should be completed by starting date.

Colby is a highly selective liberal arts college recognized for excellence in undergraduate education and for close student-faculty interaction. Applicants should send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, copies of publications or in-press manuscripts, statements of teaching and research interests, and three letters of recommendation to Professor Thane Pittman, Chair, Department of Psychology, Colby College, Waterville, ME 04901. Review of applications will begin on April 2, 2007, and will continue until the position is filled.

Colby is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer, committed to excellence through diversity, and strongly encourages applications and nominations of persons of color, women, and members of other under-represented groups. For more information about the college, please see the Colby web page at

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