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 Summer workshops on teaching about terrorism
Posted by: Tony Lemieux
Title/Position: Assistant Professor of Psychology
School/Organization: Purchase College, State University of New York
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: March 15th, 2007

Dear all,

START is happy to announce that it is working with the University of Oklahoma and the University of Georgia to support the third annual Summer Workshop on Teaching about Terrorism (SWOTT). This summer, the first workshop will be held June 4-12 at the University of Maryland, College Park; the second will be held July 10-18 at the University of Oklahoma.

SWOTT was developed by Stephen Shellman (START post-doctoral Fellow, University of Georgia) and Gregory Miller (University of Oklahoma) to:

(1) offer an intensive short-course on the fundamentals of terrorism;

(2) introduce professors and graduate students to new and innovative techniques utilized to teach terrorism and research terrorism;

(3) strengthen the community of terrorism scholars; and

(4) provide access to high-level officials working in the intelligence and counter-terrorism fields.

The workshop seeks to not only acquaint participants with the current issues that dominate US foreign policy and much of the world's attention (e.g., weapons of mass destruction and state sponsorship of terrorism), but also promises exploration into the classic literature. SWOTT already has commitments from several well-known terrorism scholars and practitioners to present during the workshops, and the workshop agenda and list of speakers will be frequently updated here:

Professors and advanced graduate students from all disciplines are eligible to attend. Online applications are now available at are due by April 6, 2007.

The workshop fee is $150, which includes travel to either Norman, OK, or College Park, MD, lodging, materials, a field trip to a counter-terror facility, instruction, and several meals (in addition to all breakfasts, snacks, and drinks, we host a welcome reception, a group dinner, and a closing banquet).

We encourage you to apply and/or spread the word about this program. Many START investigators have been involved in past years, both as participants and as presenters, and all have said that it was a valuable experience!

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