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 Seminar: Measurement and Analysis of Human Rights
Posted by: Art Kendall
Title/Position: President
School/Organization: CASPA
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: February 24th, 2007

Capital Area Social Psychological Association
(DC, MD, VA, DE, WV, PA)

Dear Colleagues:

[We are still making arrangements for our Spring 07 Meeting. More about that in later posts. DCPA and DCSS will co-sponsor that meeting.]

Capital Area social science organizations are co-sponsoring a special seminar on:

Measurement and Statistical Analysis of Human Rights: A Model

Social psychology as a discipline has long advocated the use of social science methods to address social issues. This seminar shows how social science methods can be used to provide important information on issues of vital importance. We hope you will attend and ask your colleagues to attend or perhaps even give course credit for your students' attendance.

The seminar is free. However, it is important to bring a government issued picture ID to clear security in a government building. You will save time by sending your name etc. as mentioned in the announcement. If you are unsure whether you can make it, send your info.

Some additional information about the announcement:

The mailing address of the Bureau of Labor Statistics is 2 Mass Avenue NE. The entrance closest to the conference center is on another side of the building at 650 First Street NE. This is directly across from the Union Station Metro First Street exit. Union Station has a large pay parking lot. Go to the Metro exit through Union Station itself. As an additional landmark, APA is at 750 First Street NE.

WSS Washington Statistical Society, the local chapter of the American Statistical Association.
AAAS American Academy for the Advancement of Science
DC-AAPOR the DC section of the American Association for Public Opinion Research
CASPA Capital Area Social Psychological Association
DCPA DC Psychological Association
DCSS DC Sociological Association
BLS US Bureau of Labor Statistics

CASPA is also looking for other local events that would be of interest to social psychologists. We are planning to co-sponsor and/or announce events with DCPA and DCSS.


Title: Measurement and Statistical Analysis of Human Rights: A Model

Speaker: Brian J. Grim, Ph.D., Senior Research Fellow, Religion and World Affairs, Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, 1615 L Street, NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036 (

Discussant: Art Kendall, Ph.D, Social Research Consultants

Date/Time: Thursday, March 8, 2007/ 12:30 to 2:00 p.m.

Location: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Conference Center in Room 9. Bring a photo ID to the seminar. BLS is located at 2 Massachusetts Avenue, NE. Use the Red Line to Union Station.

Sponsors: WSS Human Rights, AAAS, DC-AAPOR, and CASPA

Abstract: The study of human rights violations and the development of statistical models that can offer explanations are severely handicapped by a lack of adequate data. Most information on human rights is embedded in qualitative reports. Quantitative data that do exist tend to be limited to rough counts of violations or numeric indexes with little if any methodological transparency. This presentation will describe an extensive and rigorous coding project which uses the annual U.S. State Department's International Religious Freedom Reports as the primary information source and the procedures developed to check the coded data against alternative sources. The usefulness of these coded data will be demonstrated by testing an explanatory theory of religious persecution using structural equation modeling. The presentation will conclude with a discussion of how this research could be extended to the measurement and statistical analysis of other human rights.

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