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 Graduate Fellowships in Belfast
Posted by: Eric Knowles
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: University of Arkansas
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: February 13th, 2007

European Commission Ph.D. Studentships
The Queen’s University, Belfast - Institute of Cognition and Culture (ICC)

Competitive applications are invited for 3 Ph.D. studentships within the Institute of Cognition and Culture (ICC) at The Queen’s University, Belfast. These studentships, to begin Fall 2007, have been awarded by the European Commission as part of a collaborative grant with partner European and American institutions titled “Explaining Religion.”

Studentships shall run parallel to the three-year duration of the grant, which focuses on the cognitive universals underlying religious belief and behavior. Students shall develop their Ph.D. research in tandem with the general project aims. Successful applicants receive £18,000.00 per annum for three years (fees not included).

Please remit a brief letter of intent along with two letters of recommendation to: Jesse M. Bering, Director, Institute of Cognition and Culture, The Queen’s University, Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom BT7 1NN. Applications will be received until 30 April, 2007. For more information, email

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