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 Link to New Film
Posted by: Mona Sue Weissmark
Title/Position: Adjunct Associate Professor of Psychology
School/Organization: Northwestern University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI
Date posted: January 10th, 2007

Dear Colleague:

I thought you might like to preview the English translation of the film based on my book, "Justice Matters: Legacies of the Holocaust and World War II" (Oxford University Press, 2004) that aired nationwide on WDR German television ( in Germany).

The film was recently distributed to schools and churches throughout Germany.

The film is about 14 minutes long. The clip is in Real Media format. To watch the film clip you need the free RealPlayer. The film clip is not designed to play full screen. The file is small, so it takes just a few seconds to download. Following is the link:

"Seeing the Other Side: 60 Years after Buchenwald" (full movie) produced by Johanna Holzhaeur of WDR German television.

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