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 Milgram Replication on Television
Posted by: Jerry M. Burger
Title/Position: Professor of Psychology
School/Organization: Santa Clara University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: December 28th, 2006

Unless pre-empted by a breaking news story, ABC News' PrimeTime Live will devote its January 3rd (Wednesday) program to Milgram's obedience studies and a partial replication of the studies we conducted last July at Santa Clara University. We took care to replicate Milgram's procedures as closely as possible up to the 150-volt point (where the learner's first protests are heard). Looking back at Milgram's Experiment 5 data, we can see that this was something of a point-of-no-return. If participants were going to stop, this most likely would have been the time. If they continued past the 150-volt point, there was a nearly 80 chance that they would continue to the end of the shock generator. Thus, this partial replication provides a reasonable answer to the oft-asked question: Would people today obey an experimenter to the extent they obeyed Milgram's experimenter 45 years ago?

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