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 2007 APA Advanced Training Institutes Announced
Posted by: Nicolle Singer
Title/Position: Programs Associate
School/Organization: American Psychological Association
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP
Date posted: December 13th, 2006

The APA Science Directorate will sponsor five ATIs in the summer of 2007. These intensive training programs expose advanced graduate students, new and established faculty, and other researchers to state of the art psychological research methods and emerging technologies. More information about these exciting programs can be found at:

The first ATI of the summer will take place May 28-June 1 at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville. This program will feature a series of lectures and hands-on computer workshops on longitudinal methods, modeling, and measurement in contemporary psychological research using structural equation modeling. Drs. John McArdle and John Nesselroade will lead the course. Applications must be submitted by February 28, 2007.

The second ATI of 2007 will take place June 4-8, 2007 at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and will focus on the use of large-scale datasets in psychology. Data and documentation for the NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development will be thoroughly introduced, to assist researchers in their independent use of the datasets for original scholarship and publication. Issues in the use of large databases, such as working with extant data and using advanced statistical techniques, will also be discussed. Applications must be submitted by February 28, 2007.

A third ATI will be held June 11-15, 2007 at the University of Cincinnati. This workshop teaches non-linear methods for psychological science, and provides each participant with the first-hand experience of having analyzed data for nonlinear structure. On the first day of the workshop each individual generates data that they will learn to analyze during the ATI. Continuing access to the software that will enable them to perform further nonlinear analyses is provided by instructors at the conclusion of the ATI. Instructors include Drs. Guy Van Orden, Michael Riley, Kevin Shockley, and John Holden. Applications must be submitted by March 26, 2007.

From July 9-13, 2007 APA will hold a fourth ATI, at the University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls. This ATI on performing web-based research trains psychologists how, why, and why not to perform web-based research and data collection. Instructors provide background on internet-based research and the ethics of web-based research. Other topics include longitudinal web methods, large shared databases, web panels, and the recruitment and retention of online participants. Website creation is introduced using basic html and the Authorware software package, as needed for each individual's project; each attendee should come prepared with a small web project that they would like to work on during the week. This workshop is directed by Dr. John Eustis Williams along with other guest instructors. Applications must be submitted by April 2, 2007.

The final ATI of the summer will be held August 16, 2007 in San Francisco, CA. This ATI will introduce Geographic Information Systems for Psychological Research, and will take place the day before the APA Convention at a site near the Convention. A brief overview of GIS technology will be provided, as well as a thorough description of the use of GIS in psychological research with plenty of examples. A few established psychologists who use GIS in their research will speak about the strengths of this methodology and its contribution to their investigations. When possible, demonstrations of GIS technology will be matched to the research interests of attendees as described on the registration forms. Reginald Golledge, a leading behavioral geographer, will direct this ATI.

Tuition for all ATIs is substantially lower than marketplace prices because of a subsidy from APA's Science Directorate, or in the case of the NICHD SECC ATI, a grant from the National Institutes of Health.

For all courses, advanced graduate students, post-docs, and new and established faculty are invited to apply. Applications are available at and must be submitted electronically through each program's website. For more information, contact APA's Science Directorate at or (202) 336-6000.

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