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 Murray Award Announcement
Posted by: Bill E. Peterson
Title/Position: Associate Professor Psychology
School/Organization: Smith College
Sent to listserv of: SPSP
Date posted: December 4th, 2006

Call for Nominations for the Henry A. Murray Award

Nominations are being sought for the Henry A. Murray Award for distinguished contributions to the study of individual lives and whole persons. The Award, established in 1978, is made annually to recognize and encourage those working in the demanding and difficult tradition pioneered by Professor Murray. The awardee receives $1,000 and is asked to present a Murray Award address at the meeting of the APA the following year.

The Murray tradition may be characterized as follows:

(a) Receptiveness to the value of bringing together a variety of disciplines, theoretical viewpoints, and research techniques.

(b) Conceptual tools that lend themselves to the integration of the tough and tender in personality research.

(c) A theoretical outlook that recognizes intrapsychic structure and the thematic unity of individual lives in the midst of phenotypic diversity.

(d) Interest in imagination and in biography, literature, and myth as psychological data.

(e) Interest in the biological, social, and cultural contexts of personality.

(f) A style of intellectual leadership that has contributed to outstanding work that exhibits several of these characteristics.

Nominating materials should be sent to Bill E. Peterson, Ph.D., Chair, Henry A. Murray Award Committee, Smith College, Department of Psychology, Northampton, MA 01063, (413) 585-3764, e-mail:

Nominations should include a general nomination letter and 3 letters of recommendation that describe how the candidate meets the award criteria, a copy of the nominee’s CV (including publications), and no more than 5 articles or chapters of his/her work selected for their relevance to the award criteria. Four hard copies of all nomination materials should be sent. Nominations are due by May 1, 2007.

Bertram J. Cohler, the most recent Murray Award winner, will be honored at the American Psychological Association convention in August of 2007. The previous three winners were Carol Ryff, Salvatore Maddi, and Eric Klinger.

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